Rarely has the adage that “two views make a market” had a truer ring for investors. Will the world experience a feared “second spike” in the pandemic, or will an effective vaccine be identified to keep it at bay? What form might the policy response take in such an eventuality? Will the vast stimulus programmes already in place support a global economic recovery, or will more be needed? These are big topics, with outcomes that will have significant ramifications for investors across all major asset classes. We hope you will join us for as many sessions as you can in “The Big Picture Series” of virtual events, to hear some of the brightest minds in the field of active asset management discuss their thoughts and weigh the balance of probabilities on these crucial topics.
The first of our Big Picture Series of virtual events kicked off with a chat between Edward Bonham Carter and Richard Buxton, who discussed how markets have reacted to the pandemic, as well as a look forward to the US election and Brexit. 'Inflation or deflation?' was the big subject of our debate, with panellists Ariel Bezalel, Mark Richards, Ned Naylor-Leyland and Chi Kit Chai, moderated by our Deputy CIO, Katharine Dryer. The panel outlined where they stand on the topic and discussed some of the forces driving both inflation and deflation.
Unfortunately due to time zone restrictions you were unable to watch this live but we are pleased to share the full-length video recording and shortened highlights film with you via the link below.
View on-demand contentThe second of our Big Picture Series of virtual events features Jupiter fund managers discussing what income investors can do in the current era of low interest rates, negative yields and policy interventions. Alejandro Arevalo, Ariel Bezalel, Luca Evangelisti and Talib Sheikh share their views and answer questions from Deputy CIO Katharine Dryer about how to build yield without distorting the risk profile.
Unfortunately due to time zone restrictions you were unable to watch this live but we are pleased to share the full-length video recording and shortened highlights film with you via the link below.
View on-demand contentThe third of our Big Picture Series of virtual events features Jupiter fund managers talking about how investors can think creatively about generating investment income in the Covid-19 world. Dan Carter, Jason Pidcock, Harry Richards and Talib Sheikh share their views and answer questions from Deputy CIO Katharine Dryer about the outlook for dividends and yield and how to manage risk.
We are pleased to share the full-length video recording and shortened highlights film with you via the link below.
View on-demand contentIn the final event of our virtual Big Picture Series, Jupiter fund managers discuss how Covid-19 has accelerated existing trends. Mark Heslop, Richard Watts, Brinton Johns and Guy de Blonay share their views and answer questions from our CIO Stephen Pearson about how this ‘double disruption’ shapes their investment approach.
We are pleased to share the full-length video recording and shortened highlights film with you via the link below.
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